Pros and Cons of Living in Charleston, SC

Charleston, South Carolina, oh my how we do love thee.  Charleston has occupied a special place in our hearts ever since we stepped foot on the campus of good ole C of C, and to be honest we haven’t looked back on our adoration for the Holy City ever since.  It is a city that is both steeped in history with a very European feel and a charm that makes you feel like a local.  So, clearly we’re biased and feel that it’s a top place to build a home, but as always whenever we are helping out of town buyers consider moving to our city, we always suggest detailing out the pros and cons associated with life here.  Keep reading for the skinny on all the unique aspects of living here in Charleston, as we weigh in.

The Good:

  • Waterfront living:  Honestly, everywhere you go in the Charleston area you find water, and for us that tops the list of pros to living here.  We just live for days at the beach, drives over the bridges, and sunset marsh views.  And this stunning location on the Atlantic affords the Holy City some of the nation’s most incredible properties where that sound of the ocean makes you sleep deep and wake up rejuvenated.

  • History:  One step on the famed cobblestone streets of the peninsula and you will be transported to a time of yester year.  Around every corner is another glimpse at a time in the city’s rich past, and of course that means the homes downtown rank tops for their architecture and design.  Honestly it is hard to find another area of the country with such simply stunning and quaint beauty.

  • Foodie Scene:  Of course we fell head over heels for the Southern fare from fresh shrimp off the boats to grits, oysters, and creamy she-crab soup, but here in the city you’ll find top restaurants from award-winning chefs in every type of cuisine.  And the restaurant scene is always offering something new to keep us on our feet.

  • Weather:  As a prior mid-westerner we’ve got it so good here in the Southeast.  Winters are mild, spring and fall are stunning, and anywhere you can be on the beach in December is a plus for us.  Honestly, this is coastal living at it’s very best in our opinion.  You get to maximize beach time and outdoor living year round, but not have a need to retreat inside for half the year (we’re looking at you Florida).

  • Cultural Happenings:  There is a strong arts, music, and festival scene that always brings an energy to the town.  Some of our favorites are Charleston Food and Wine Fest, Steeplechase, Spoleto, among so many others.  And moreover, we love the city’s venues which range from beachfront to distilleries, to historic homes.

  • Southern Hospitality:  Charleston’s charm may start with it’s architecture and beauty but it doesn’t end there.  Honestly, people are so friendly and welcoming.  Southern hospitality is at it’s finest here.

  • Local Economy:  The economy here is booming.  We’ve seen a steady growth while many companies look to move into the area, and of course constantly ranking as #1 City in the US has created a steady tourism business that is unparalleled.

  • Variety of Properties:  No one neighborhood or part of Charleston is alike, which means that there is really something for everyone, unless you crave mountains and hills, because we’ve got only one and that’s called the Ravanel Bridge.  Honestly, from marsh front to beach front to surfer beach town to true suburbia to historic peninsula you’ll find it all here.  Sometimes that’s one of the hardest jobs for us… narrowing down the choices for our buyers.

The Not So Good:

  • Traffic:  If you’ve been here long enough you’ve heard many times… the locals now have to deal with traffic.  And while it isn’t nearly as bad as big city living, we do see particular congestion due to the fact that we are surrounded by water which means we have many bridges to navigate with little ability to find a side route or short cut.

  • Hurricanes:  We have them, we prepare for them, and we pay high insurance to protect against them.  They’re just a fact of life from July-Oct.   However, we think it’s similar to any place in the country and we’d rather not try our hand with a tornado or earthquake, so we’ll pick our poison.

  • Cost of Living:  Cost of living here is higher than the national average when it comes to the housing market, and we’ll be honest in some areas that has truly made it difficult to find entry level housing.  That being said, property taxes are the 6th lowest in the country and prices for food and services tend to be average.

  • Out of Staters (aka Tourists):  Locals tend to love them but also grow tired of them and quickly.  It’s really a double edge sword, because we want the boost to the economy but we don’t want to wait for 30 min to get to the beach in summer.

So there you have it, the city of charm sometimes comes at a price, and while the lifestyle is rich so is the housing.  That being said we truly believe you won’t find this unique blend of history, beauty, and culture anywhere in the world. And when you’re ready one thing is for sure, we’ll help you weigh the city’s charm against of the potential pitfalls of moving here, and help you find the perfect Southern gem of a home in the process.


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