Top 3 Ways To Increase The Value Of Your Home

Spring time is here, and the real estate market officially kicks off its typically busy season, though we don’t have a crystal ball, so who knows? One thing is for sure, if you’re looking to sell your home this spring, you will certainly be trying to get every dollar you can in order to maximize your return, and who can blame you for it. So, we thought it would be a great time to chat about our top 3 ways to increase your home value before you sell. Now these are somewhat easy things to do and you might already know them, but they have been proven time and time again to result in greater take home for most buyers, so we think they are worth the reminder.

Not an active listing.

  1. Curb Appeal

You’ve got to make your home inviting, clean, and ready to stand out, because once you’re listing is live online, there is one thing that will make sure to get buyers to stop their scroll, a listing that stands out. And one way that a home can stand out is by having great curb appeal. Now, the front facade of your home may likely be the first photo they see, but by curb appeal we don’t just mean front yard appeal, we mean how can you grab their attention. It’s all about creating a unique focal point like a bright door or a cool architectural element like a pergola that captures their focus. And the bottom line is high curb appeal means more showings, it’s as simple as that.

2. Basic Updates & Repairs

Be one step ahead of a buyer and look for things that they might notice and them taken care of before you even go to list. This ensures your home will hit the market in the best shape possible and it will minimize the potential snags that might come up with inspections and repair addendums along the way.

Easy updates like:

  • Replacing applicances

  • New fixtures

  • Fresh paint

  • Servicing the HVAC

  • Ensure all mechanicals are running smoothly

We think these are relatively painless updates that bring life and freshness to older spaces and give them buyer a sense of confidence that the current owner has taken pride in their home ownership and maintenance.

3. Stage

Of course, as Interior Designers ourselves, we love a home that is staged, and we know that it sells for more and faster. So, our best advice is to get rid of the mementos, personal items, and knick knacks and let buyers envision themselves in your space. You want them to get a sense of freshness and the aim should be to make rooms as spacious as possible. Now, bonus if you give us a call so we can stage the home and get the job done.

Be sure to check out our article on more extensive value adds that can really maximize the return on your biggest life investment. And don’t forget we’re here and ready to assist during the process. With a background in construction and design we can help ready your home for the market and get you top dollar.


Just listed: 30 Mary Street #5 Charleston, SC


Freshfields Guide: Sea Islands, SC