City of Charleston Short Term Rental Requirements

Overview of Short Term Rental Requirements in City of Charleston

If you’ve been following along on the Short Term Rental discussion, you might have started to shy away from acquiring one in the City of Charleston, but just in case you’re up for a challenge, here is the down low on obtaining that coveted short term rental permit. (just keep in mind, nothing lasts forever, and you MUST check on the viability of the property with city officials and preferably before you go to buy and market of course)

Short Term Rental Requirements:

  • Permit: Valid for 1 year

  • Transferability: Existing permits do not transfer

  • Advertising: Okay, but usually online only is permitted, so no signs in yards folks!

  • Insurance: A renter’s insurance policy and policy for personal injury and property damage with specific limits is required.

  • Biz License: Required

    Other Downtown Stipulations:
    • Locals only
    • Primary residence with ADU on property only
    • 1+ off-street parking spot required
    • Owner must be onsite


    Category 1: Historic District: Must be listed on National Register of Historic Places

    Category 2: Rest of Peninsula: Must have been constructed at least 50 years ago

    Category 3: West Ashley, Daniel Island, James Island: Can typically build a new ADU and operate without issue, but again you MUST check to be sure.

    STR Overlay: Owner can have up to 4 accessory units and doesn’t need to be primary, but must live there 183+ days / year and main building must be 50 years or older

    And there you have it the City of Charleston STR skinny. Now give us a ring so we can help you navigate all of the above and more.


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