75 Hard

This month I kicked off the month with a challenge with my hubby!

75 Hard… Have you heard of it?

In a nutshell we’ve committed to the below:

▫️Diet: no dairy, no grains, no alcohol, no added sugar

▫️Workouts: 2 x 45 min. per day (1 outside)

▫️H2O: 1 gallon per day

▫️Read: 10 pages per day

▫️Meditate: 10 min per day

▫️Shopping: only essentials

▫️Progress pics + measurements

For me the 75 Hard program stood out as a transformative challenge designed to develop mental toughness and instill discipline and I love a good challenge. The program was developed by entrepreneur and fitness enthusiast Andy Frisella in an effort to pair a strict fitness regimen with a program that can change you from the inside out.

His belief is that in order to change who you are physically you have to change who you are mentally and that requires the below:

“It takes confidence.

 It takes grit.

 It takes belief in yourself.

 It takes fortitude.

 It takes endurance.

 It takes perseverance.

 It takes a willingness to win.

 These are NOT traits you are born with ...

 These are skills you can develop.”

So the challenge requires a strict adherence to daily tasks that are aimed at improving both your physical fitness and increasing mental resilience. At it’s heart, it’s simple, but clearly following anything for 75 days can be extremely difficult. Also, there is an element of personal accountability since the strict rules of the program require daily progress photos and no mistakes are allowed. In fact, it seems that this is a core tenant of the program… by holding ourselves accountable one can develop a greater sense of personal responsibility and commitment to goals, and this is seen as crucial for long-term success.

Of course we love how the habits developed in the program can translate to all other areas of life and any endeavor that one undertakes. Once engrained, we feel that this just may lead to a lifestyle shift for good, with benefits extending long after the initial 75 day program.

So clearly this program isn’t for the faint of heart, but hey we are ready for it and can’t wait to see how this leads to lasting positive change in all aspects of life.

75 days… if we mess up we start over at day 1.

Wish us luck!


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